Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just A Quick Update

I know, I've neglected to post the next installment of my Scriptwriting 101, but for good reason.

I'm not intentionally ignoring the responsibility, it's just that I have been outrageously busy. I'm trying to get my screenplay "Trip To Euphoria" finished up, and it's taking a lot of time because I have to do so much research. I'm nearly half way through it, at the moment, and I know that doesn't sound like much, but considering the amount of strategic mapping and location and drug research that I've had to do, I think I'm making some good progress. Most importantly, I think this script is really good. I can honestly and proudly say that I believe it to be industry worthy, and it hasn't even went past first draft stage, yet.

So, I'm pounding away at this keyboard, day after day, working hard on this project, and I haven't been able to sit down and get that next Screenwriting blog finished. Yesterday, I worked about nine hours on TTE, and by the time I came in, I was so mentally exhausted that I couldn't even concentrate on my netflix movie.

It was a bad movie, though.

At any rate, this week is also picture week for the tax folks in Texas, so I'll be out there doin' some crazy photo shooting for, probably, the rest of the week. Maybe more, who knows?

If I have any secret readers out there that I don't know about, (to my knowlege, I don't have readers so you're all secret, really), then please check back soon, and I'll try to get the Formatting post up before the end of the weekend.

Until next time....

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